Student Complaint Procedures

General Guidelines:

  1. All complaints are confidential

  2. A staff presented with a verbal complaint will ask the student to follow the procedure and remind the student of the personally signed written complaint requirement. The staff person will advise the administration.

  3. The administrator will also ask for a copy of any written response(s) from those already contacted by the student in accordance with the procedure.

  4. Arrangements for meetings and written responses from the person being complained about will be made in a timely and professional fashion. No complaint will go unanswered.

  5. Records of complaints will be maintained at the Academy for a period of at least 3 years.


We encourage the concerned parties to discuss and find solutions to resolve the complaint in a constructive manner.

A complaint should be reported as soon as possible to one of the following persons in order to resolve the problem directly and informally:

  1. The teacher or person concerned

  2. An administration officer at the administration of the Academy.

If you remain unsatisfied at level 1, the student will proceed with the procedure at level 2.


When it has not been possible to resolve the issue at the student’s satisfaction at level 1, the student must send the complaint by writing addressed to:

Renee Berezowski
Director, Académie de Dessin de Mode Richard Robinson Fashion Design Academy ,
419 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 9M6
Tel: (613) 241-5233

For the student’s complaint to be considered, the student must be specific as to the cause and nature of the complaint. You must present a detailed description, including your name, current address during your studies and include all pertinent documentation.

The student must describe all steps taken to resolve the problem and include the corrective measures expected.

This procedure must be followed within two months of the incident. Complaints received after that time might not be considered. You will receive a confirmation letter stating that we have received your letter within 7 days of its reception.

The student’s complaint and all pertinent documentation will be sent to the director of the Academy or his representative.

If required, the student will be contacted for more information and clarification. The student and/or a representative can also schedule an appointment with the director or his representative to discuss the issue in person. Minutes will be taken during these meetings. Copies of these minutes will be provided to the student and kept on file with the complaint.

The director or his representative will provide a written response to the student, outlining the discussion and any proposed and/or agreed upon solution(s) within 20 business days from the date the complaint was submitted or from the time the meeting took place, whichever is the latter. This response will include a decision statement, together with the reasons on which the decision is based and minutes of meetings held.

If the decision does not satisfy the student, please address your complaint and the unsatisfactory decision to:

Renee Berezowski
Director, Académie de Dessin de Mode Richard Robinson Fashion Design Academy ,
419 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON Canada K1N 9M6
Tel: (613) 241-5233

If not resolved at this level, the student will proceed to Level 3.


If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint you may submit your complaint to the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges through the Program Approval & Registration Information System (PARIS) automated system. Pease go to this website: and register as a new PARIS user.

Superintendent of Ontario Career Colleges,
Ministry of Colleges and Universities,
Private Institutions Branch,
10th Floor Mowat Block,
900 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M7A 1L2

Note that generally, problem solving is usually reached at level 1 as we support respect, good communication and teaching with the highest standards.

Revision January 2024